New Visions for Public Schools – Before/After

A loyal repeat client, Gallin once again partnered with New Visions to create a work environment that enabled them to create the innovative class curriculums they are known for. This most recent configuration afforded the staff more collaborative space, and each office and conference room was outfitted with state-of-the-art AV technology. Visitors will be happy to learn that their famous “Road Runner Wall,” painted by famed cartoonist Chuck Jones, was moved with great care by Gallin and has been installed in the new location.

Location: 205 East 42nd Street, 4th Floor
Square Footage: 22,500
Architect: HLW
VP of Operations: Robert Kondracki
Project Manager: Jesse Mota
Superintendent:  Al Giannone
Account Executive: Christopher Gallin

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  • Before-New Visions One
    After-New Visions One
    Before New Visions One After
  • Before-New Visions Two
    After-New Visions Two
    Before New Visions Two After
  • Before-New Visions Three
    After-New Visions Three
    Before New Visions Three After